Humans with too much power cross lines without thinking and try to fix the atrocity after. Of course, many will probably disagree on the grounds that some power is necessary for control and structure. In many instances, people with specialized knowledge have specialized jobs that they can use their knowledge for. In the case of genome modification, the specialized knowledge is knowing how to use the technology and how it works, while the people with this knowledge are scientists. On one hand I agree that specialization is important to society’s function and the numerous jobs available. But on the other hand, I still insist that too much power designated to one group of people can be dangerous for the rights of everyone below them. The United States Government was created on the basis that no one section had too much power, and that people had their say by voting. The same has to be done when considering the ethics of genome editing. A lack of transparency leads to tricking people who are not provided with information, and when humankind is on the line we can’t afford to let a small group of like-minded people make an indispensable decision.

One thought on “NAYSAYER HW

  1. “The United States Government was created on the basis that no one section had too much power, and that people had their say by voting.”
    What a great connection– way to PAN OUT!

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