Learning Outcome #1
Project 2 was a challenge for me because the concept of gene editing and ethics was a new writing topic for me. In high school I would have started researching and scraping together ideas, taking hours to get ideas down and probably barely reaching the word count. Writing was always a struggle for me because I never knew where to begin. Luckily since this was the second paper, I had figured out how to use my homeworks to my advantage. To start the drafting process I relied heavily on my homeworks and rereading my annotations to try to find connecting pieces to make my paper flow, rather than being a homework graveyard. Once I found connecting pieces I made an outline to keep myself organized, which I learned from Project 1 was very useful. I also found that by connecting ideas from my homeworks it made it easy to form a thesis statement. By making an outline I was able to really sit down and think about what I was going to say and what evidence I had to back it up with before even writing any of the actual paper. I prefer to make a less rough rough draft so that my editing process can be more fine-tuned, and I think that creating an outline allows me to do this effectively.
Between my rough draft and final draft a lot of the introduction and conclusion changed, and I cut a lot of sentences out that seemed repetitive while simultaneously expanding on claims that Professor Spain commented on that needed expansion. Peer review for this paper was extremely helpful because it allowed me to have a few other people read my draft and see if they were able to follow my paper and my claims. Flow is definitely a global challenge for me, and peer review helped a lot because it made me edit the paper so that others understood what I was writing, not just me. Even after turning in my final draft I think that I could have cut back some repetitive sentences and ideas. During my rough draft I had a hard time writing, so I think I tend to repeat myself when I lack other words. If I had gone through my draft a few more times to change repeating words to synonyms or to remove repeating ideas fully the paper would be stronger. Locally, punctuation is by far the most challenging for me and I relied heavily on grammar suggestions that popped up while I was typing. In total for project 2 I relied on using my homework and an outline to create a draft, then used peer review and lots of rereading/rewording to get my final draft to where it was, which was something I was very proud to turn in.